Filled with captivating illustrations, Canadian Monsters takes young readers on a journey through the legends and folklore of the great Canadian north! Hidden from east to […]
Alberta is known for its beautiful landscape. There are the Rocky Mountains to the west and the boreal forest to the north. In the southeast corner, […]
Near Canmore Alberta, a gorgeous seven-kilometre trail can be found which goes through canyons, along a river bed, past historic pictographs, and into a mountain valley. […]
In Alberta’s southwestern corner, not far from the American and British Colombian border, lies the town of Frank. A mining town, it was established in 1901 […]
Writing on Stone Provincial Park is a UNESCO world heritage site. It received this designation because it contains over 50 petroglyph sites, making it the greatest […]
Heart Creek Bunker History Back in the late 1960s, during the Cold War, three ambitious brothers headed the construction of what is now known as the […]
Jasper National Park is located in the Canadian Rockies. It spans over 11,000 km2. The pictures below are from several different locations within Jasper National Park.