Northern Manitoba is home to some of the largest waterfalls in the province. There’s Kwasitchewan Falls, which has a height of 14 meters. Within hiking distance […]
During the 1960s, the Canadian government commissioned the building of multiple Fallout Reporting posts (FRP) across the country. Initially, over 200 were planned to be built […]
Illegal whisky trading was rampant in the Canadian West during the 1800s. Operated by both Americans and Canadians, one of the prohibited outfits was run by […]
Alberta is known for its beautiful landscape. There are the Rocky Mountains to the west and the boreal forest to the north. In the southeast corner, […]
Fort Walsh is a Canadian National Historic Site that was originally built and operated by the North-West Mounted Police (NWMP) in the late 19th century. The […]
There’s more to see at Riding Mountain National Park than just nature. The park has a long history stretching back over a century. Before Riding Mountain […]
Saskatchewan, known across most of Canada for being comprised mainly of flat farmland, is also full of surprises and contrasting landscapes. One of the more unique […]
When people think about the highest point in Alberta, or British Columbia, they usually picture massive mountains, that stretch up through the clouds and towards the […]