July 2020 Update
When I initially posted this, I had no idea of the traction or traffic that it would get. I also had no idea the effect it would have on the residents of Pine Docks.
In the past few months, I have received several messages from Pine Dock residents. While most of them have been kind and respectful, they have informed me that some of the tourists visiting their community have not been. Acts like leaving garbage everywhere and trespassing are taking place way too often. One resident even told me that she walked out to her cabin one day and there was a stranger sitting on her front porch. This kind of behaviour is unacceptable.
There are some members of the Pine Docks community that have requested that people no longer travel to their remote town. To them the caves are sacred and they feel too many people do not respect them. It’s like the old saying, a rotten apple spoils the whole barrel, and they feel as if that is what has happened here.
Hopefully, this reminder, as well as my post updates, will be enough to let the residents of Pine Docks return to a peaceful life.
Original Post
Pine Docks Manitoba is a small and remote fishing community located along the shores of Lake Winnipeg. The highway to Pine Docks is a winding gravel road that takes people on a scenic drive through forests, farmland and along the shores of Lake Winnipeg.

The total distance from Winnipeg to Pine Docks is over 200 kilometres, which takes about two and half hours by car.
Near the town of Pine Docks lies one of Manitoba’s best-kept secrets, the Pine Docks Caves. Along the Lake Winnipeg shoreline, a break in the limestone rocks forms a huge crevice.
When walking around near the caves, it is paramount that hikers watch their steps as they trek through the trees because a 20-foot drop into the crevice appears unexpectedly at your feet.
There is one spot where a small metal beam acts as a makeshift bridge over the crevice. A trail follows along the top of the crevice, eventually providing a way down to the water, and access inside the cavernous rocks.
Near the water, the limestone has been eroded by crashing waves, creating huge caverns. The small smooth stones on the ground provide a makeshift beach, perfect for adventurous skinny dippers.
The giant crevice resembles something out of an apocalyptic movie. The rock walls, block out all sound, including the wind, waves, and birds. It’s eerie.
The temperature changes too. The warm summer weather disappears and is replaced with cool autumn-like atmosphere. Between the moss-covered walls, and the dropping temperature, it creates a unique and mystical experience.

Travelling to Pine Dock Caves
For those wishing to explore the Pine Dock Caves, there are some precautions and warnings that the Pine Docks community would like you to be reminded of.
- There are no gas stations, public washrooms, or places to buy food. The drive to Pine Docks should be undertaken with precautions. The gravel highway is not always in the best shape. The cell service is incredibly spotty, and there is a lack of amenities once you pass Riverton.
- Do not trespass. The caves are on public land, but the property between the caves and the highway is private and should not be crossed. The owner of this property does not appreciate people walking across or parking on his land.
- Always mind your surroundings and watch your steps. These caves are beautiful, but can also be dangerous. From the top to the bottom is about 20 feet in height. The cracks in the limestone rock appear suddenly.
- Do not leave garbage behind or “tag” anything. Take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints.
- This is a small community and not a tourist destination. The people here do prefer their privacy, so please respect that.
- The fallen rocks have a tendency to move. The caves are made from limestone, which has a tendency to shift. Walking too close to the rock edges can cause them to collapse. Extreme care should be taken while visiting.
I grew up in Pine Dock, and at the age of 12 began giving people private tours of the caves. I have always cherished this place, and have respected it tremendously since I was a kid. First off, the Caves have changed Physically because of tourism. Things have moved, the trail is packed down so bad that it looks like cattle have been roaming through. Spray paint is by far the biggest slap in the face. The garbage, is just the icing on the cake. Secondly, when I gave tours, we felt it necessary that someone that know the caves… Read more »
Thank you for your comment. I’ve pinned it to the top of the comment section so that people will see it.
I know your intention was not to flood these Caves with tourists. I believe it was to share something beautiful with the world. Your exploration or our province is inspiring, and I can tell that you appreciate the creation around us. I am happy that you got to explore this amazing place, and all I wish is that my family can continue to do so. Keep up the good work, and keep exploring Manitoba. You’ve been alot of places, and I know for a fact that there are many hidden gems you are yet to explore. There are many more… Read more »
Is the water clear up there? I know in the south basin it is merky and a little further north by Gimli you can see the bottom about 6 inches. Is there any sand beaches or all rock? There’s a cottage for sale on Pinedock I’m interested in. Thank you.
I lived here for a few years as my step father is from here. It’s an amazing sight to see he forgot to mention the marks that look like paintings on the cave walls, the the fossils A you walk in side the crack that comes to a end and because of the cooler temperatures I stays in one spot nearly year round there’s also moss in the top that’s about 2 ft deep 3 foot craters that you got to jump across and the bridge wasn’t there when I lived there eventually we just threw across a tree that… Read more »
Is the only way to get to the caves by boat or can you walk to them without trespassing? My friend and I are going on a road trip this summer and considering Pine Dock Caves. Any info would be helpful. Thanks so much:)
Crossing onto either of the properties is trespassing and private property. Both roads in are on private property and there are signs indicating private property and no trespassing.
Manitoba petty trespass law is written such that unless there are signs or physical man made barriers or someone who owns the property specifically tells you to leave you may enter a property without worry of prosecution.
Here is the property owner specifically asking people NOT to trespass. Don’t encourage trespassing. Geezus.
Thank you for your comment.
A reminder to everyone: As I mentioned in the post above, if you want to access the caves without trespassing, the most scenic way to do it is by boat.
Its unfortunate they wont embrace the tourism and capitalism on the situation.
I hope that one day, and with the support of the community, Manitoba Parks will put in a proper trail, parking lot, and guard rails.
Hi guys. Sorry to hear that the land owners are being inconvenienced and disrespected. Some people are selfish and rotten. Sorry to hear the town folk are hating outsiders touring around but I understand. I don’t like uninvited guests either. I don’t want to disrupt anyone nor am I interested in trespassing where we are clearly not wanted but I am looking for a cheap, close, outdoor adventure to take my sons on that doesn’t have a lot of people ( d/t covid). How would I be able to kayak or walk to crevices and caves without bothering a soul???… Read more »
Or tag anything? Wtf is wrong with people? Why should you have to tell anyone not to tag anything? Thanks to the very disrespectful asshole that decided to spray paint the walls of the caves by the way. Fuck you very much.
Stop promoting this! Nobody in the community wants strangers coming around bothering them or you people leaving garbage everywhere and throwing your beer cans around and creating you’re own trails. You’re destroying the surrounding bush and caves. Because people are climbing everywhere the rocks are starting to collapse! Take this post down or the community will be forced to take legal action!! We aren’t promoting this we never recommended this! You are extremely rude and ignorant for bringing this to the Internet our once private lives are being intruded upon and our community is flooded with strangers who have no… Read more »
I have updated this post telling people to not travel to this community. While I have no idea if people will listen or not, I feel like this is the best option. If I completely delete this post, people will still seek out the location and find it. They will discover it on places like Reddit and Narcity(which is where I first found out about it). In my opinion it is better to leave the post up and tell people to not travel to it, than it is to just delete it. Deleting it will just mean that they will… Read more »
Like you care your getting hits on your webpage all you care about is yourself not the people in the community
This is simply not true. I have updated this post requesting that people do not travel to this location.
You should delete this post before someone gets killed. Yes the people in pine are pissed off have some fucking respect for the community
Oh shut up Dale, you fake pine docker.
Bahaha how do you know he’s a fake pine docker
Hi, This is the first post that pops up on google, please do not delete this post. You clearly want to respect the land owners and want to share your experience on this place. The most helpful thing you can do is change this into a cautionary guide for safe and respectful exploration of this. First, you should put a clear warning that going to this place an cause disruption, and harm to the local community. Then, take time to connect with the land owner and find out what visitors should and should not do. Also, please make it clear,… Read more »
Please take this post down. It is on indigenous land and you have trespassed and encouraging others to as well. It is disrespectful.
Thank you for your comment. You mentioned the caves being on indigenous land. From my understanding the caves are on crown land, and the property between the caves and the highway are private. Is this correct? I have done my best to ensure that no one trespasses. The post does remind people to not trespass. In the past I have received a few messages from Pine Dock residents (whom seem like wonderful people) and have added each of their concerns to my post. I am considering your request to delete the post, but I don’t think that’s the best solution.… Read more »
Delete the post already it’s very inconsiderate and I heard some folks are ready to be in drive way with guns to scare away these tourist. They trespassing to get to the caves
Hi I just travelled to pine dock and learned that the family has been bombarded by travellers due to the directions on this post and can no longer relax at the family home, could you please edit this post to say only by boat or to not do so unless you know how to enter without going in this families property. I’m just trying to help a local family who wants to have some place to relax
Thanks for your comment.
I updated the post almost a year ago reminding people not to trespass and stating that they should go by boat.
“The caves are on public land, but the property between the caves and the highway is private and should not be crossed without permission. If you want to find the caves, one of the most scenic ways is to do it by boat. Starting at the Pine Dock beach, head south along the shoreline until you see it.”
If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.
Just walk right up, unless there is a fence WITH signs it’s not trespassing. If home owners dont like it then maybe they shouldn’t live next to a tourist location
I believe the home owner has put up a sign reminding people that it is private property.
You can legally access the caves by boat/canoe by going along the shoreline from the beach.
I spoke with the home owner, and they have put up signs but people take them down. It’s really sad, could you possibly edit it again please to say only enter by boat or via gravel pit. because by saying get permission, people have literally been walking up to his door non stop during the pandemic to literally ask for permission which is not right either.
Thank you for your response and replies
I updated it again.
“The caves are on public land, but the property between the caves and the highway is private and should not be crossed. The owner of this property does not appreciate people walking across or parking on his land.”
Do you know anything more about the gravel pit entrance? Wouldn’t that also be private property? Or is there a trail there that only goes thru public land?
Sounds like the responsibile thing to do. Owner wants permission so people are asking….
Well Harold, next time someone comes and parks in your driveway and walks through your yard, remember your comment here.
Dumb. It wasn’t a tourist location until someone posted it on the internet. This comment is very dumb. Especially as people are leaving garbage on and spray painting the walls of the caves. People have no fucking respect. And you dear sir have displayed nothing but ignorance with your comment. How about you people go find something else to amuse yourselves and ruin someone else’s home ?
The garbage and spray paint is terrible… Some people have no shame.
Wow, Harold, did you actually learn a tidbit of information because it benefits you? Your sense of entitlement and lack of respect suggests you also have a crushing lack of intelligence.
Please pick up your trash if you are heading out there. Lots of garbage on the trail which is a shame.
Planing to go this coming weekend. Is it possible to take a large dog to the trail and caves?
I have taken my dog with me and had no issues. I would strongly suggest keeping the dog on a leash though as there are other people around. And of course picking up after your dog.
Went on the 12th of June and it was easy to find. It does appear out of nowhere and only take a minute to locate a safe way to decent.
Hi there Shayne,
My friend and I are interested in visiting the Pine Dock caves on Wednesday this week. Can you please send the directions? By the way, you’ve got a beautiful website design. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.
Best regards,
Where would one stay to be close to the caves?
You can at beaver Creek, it’s really close like 20 minutes
Does anyone have a GPS coordinate for the caves? Lots of people seem to have trouble finding the spot, and I was hoping to head up there next weekend.
Thanks, B
I did not seem to get the directions, and was hoping to go out there today
To the residents of Pine Dock: My husband and I visited the crevices/cave just last week as when we heard about them we said , Oh something to go see right here in MB. You have a fine little tourist attraction right in your own backyard so to speak. Following the proper regulations build a sturdy walk way across the crevice, put out a trash container and a few signs designating turn off, etc. Even build a small coffee shop with a washroom. Keep it open through out the summer months and Pine Dock is on the map. We were… Read more »
That would entail the desire for outsiders and the desire to make money and fame from beautiful land that is cherished by the residents.
By the way, it was tidy and well kept until people started parading through it like our home is a tourist attracting; leaving garbage and defacing the walls kf the cave with spray paint….
Hi Shayne, We went and loved it. What an amazing place! Thanks again!
Comment removed as it contained directions to this site.
Comment removed as it contained directions to this site.
We went this weekend after reading the article. It is such an amazing treasure of a place. What an adventure it was. The temperature drop in places is crazy. We found ice and snow in one narrow crevice!
We looked for the trail last year to no avail. How far from pine dock is the trail head?
I hear its sacred land, not everyone is supposed to go..
Really? I’ve never heard that before. If you have more information about that please let me know.
My son and I plan to check it out! Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome. 🙂
I did not know that existed in Pine Dock. Manitoba has some great sites.