Filled with captivating illustrations, Canadian Monsters takes young readers on a journey through the legends and folklore of the great Canadian north! Hidden from east to […]
I usually don’t write about city life, but when you’re in Toronto, standing atop one of the world’s tallest structures, it deserves a mention. The City […]
Muhigan Falls is one of Manitoba’s largest waterfalls! The falls are absolutely breathtaking, and the journey there is a fun, rugged, adventure. Warning Attempting to travel […]
Watch as I travel through untamed wilderness to find Muhigan Falls. Muhigan Falls is one of Manitoba’s undocumented waterfalls. Before my trip north, its exact height […]
Northern Manitoba is home to some of the largest waterfalls in the province. There’s Kwasitchewan Falls, which has a height of 14 meters. Within hiking distance […]
During the 1960s, the Canadian government commissioned the building of multiple Fallout Reporting posts (FRP) across the country. Initially, over 200 were planned to be built […]
Illegal whisky trading was rampant in the Canadian West during the 1800s. Operated by both Americans and Canadians, one of the prohibited outfits was run by […]